
Entidades conmemorarán 80 años de la masacre de haitianos de 1937 ordenada por el tirano Trujillo

September 28, 2017

Las entidades académicas, culturales y sociales reflexionará para reconstruir memoria en pos de la no repetición de un hecho tan doloroso y negativo...

By Don Gilberto

80 Years On, Dominicans And Haitians Revisit Painful Memories Of Haitian Massacre

October 7, 2017

Even before Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo carved it in blood, the 224-mile border dividing the island of Hispaniola between Haiti and the Dominican Republic was complicated. Tensions between the two countries stemmed back to a 19th century war. But in many ways, the border, which existed mostly on paper, was a notably seamless site: Children crossed back and forth freely to go to school on one side and home on the other. Sprawling cattle ranches spanned the divide, and Dominicans and Haitians mingled and intermarried frequently....



Con la mueite en la mano hata ei machete gritó

de octubre de 2017

Reflexión dedicada a los organizadores de Frontera de Luces por mantener viva la memoria histórica, pensando sobre todo en el futuro de dominicanos y haitianos...

En conclusión, el historiador francés, Lauro Capdevila, en su ensayo sobre la novela, El Masacre se pasa a pie, ha dictaminado que: “En definitiva, la víctima de la barbarie resulta ser el propio país.”

80th anniversary of massacre time for remembrance and recognition of solidarity

Sep 25, 2017 9:00 am

Megan Jeanette Myers understands the tension that still exists along the Dominican-Haitian border 80 years after the 1937 Haitian Massacre. The Iowa State University assistant professor of Spanish and Latinx studies spends her summers working in the Dominican Republic, where she lived for a year, and has traveled throughout Haiti...

AMES, Iowa


The Dominican Republic and Haiti: Two Nations, One Island

October 17th, 2014

On a Sunday afternoon Johende Cepin and his father, Wilfredo , hang out together at Venus Restaurant, a Haitian place in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, in Brooklyn.

by Antonia Cereijido Latino Usa

Kickstarters to Watch: 'A Bridge of Hope and Light' at the Tense Border Between Dominican Republic and Haiti

September 14, 2014

“Border of Lights supports and encourages strengthening a new understanding of borders. Not one that is expressed and associated with confrontation or isolation, but rather solidarity and the acknowledgment that for more than three centuries has culturally enriched both sides of the border in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Our diversity enriches us, strengthens us, and does not erase our identity,” said Father Regino Martínez, former Director of Solidaridad Fronteriza in Dajabón, DR, who led a candlelight vigil at the border October 2013. (Photo : Border of Lights)



Edwidge Danticat: The Price of Sugar

May 5, 2014

For Kara Walker's first large-scale public project, A Subtlety..., presented by Creative Time at Brooklyn's Domino Sugar Factory, Creative Time Reportsfeatures poetry, prose and illustrations related to central themes of Walker's exhibition. Here, novelist Edwidge Danticat explores labor conditions on contemporary sugar plantations in the Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic and Haiti: A Shared View from the Diaspora

JULY 28, 2014

A conversation with Edwidge Danticat and Junot Díaz.

Americas Quarterly

By Richard Andre


A letter to Representative Charlie Rangel (D-NY)

May 16, 2014

Reps from We Are All Dominican, Dominicanos por Derecho, and Border of Lights presented a letter of concern to Congressman Rangel's (D-NY) staff regarding his recent statement in the Dominican Republic press.

By WeAreAllDominicanNYC

In the Dominican Republic, suddenly stateless

November 10, 2013

Dominicans of Haitian descent are losing their citizenship as their nation reinstates an old form of racism.

By Mark Kurlansky, Julia Alvarez, Edwidge Danticat and Junot Díaz

The writers are authors. Mr. Díaz and Ms. Alvarez are Dominican-American, and Ms. Danticat is Haitian-American.
By Mark Kurlansky, Julia Alvarez, Edwidge Danticat and Junot Díaz

Two Versions of a Dominican Tale

October 31st, 2013

To the Editor:
Re “Dominicans of Haitian Descent Cast Into Legal Limbo by Court” (front page, Oct. 24):


Ambassador of the Dominican Republic

Washington, Oct. 28, 2013


Response by:





New York, Oct. 29, 2013